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Thestor went over to Charnel for a brief time it's true, but he seems to be dedicated to the goddess again. Still we had better keep an exe on him.Zyzyx, the first time when Thestor is encountered
Thestor CR-icon-Thestor
Associated God Persephone
Level 4
Parent Creature Gnome
Creature Classes Ground, Ranged
Number of Souls 2 BlueSoul
Hero Statistics
Health 2600
Mana 400
Damage (?)
Accuracy 37
Attack Speed (?) s
Movement Speed 10 m/s
Resistances and Weaknesses
Melee 100%
Direct Ranged 95%
Splash Ranged 95%
Direct Spell 95%
Splash Spell 95%
Creature Abilities
Persephone's Stats

Thestor is Persephone's level 4 hero.


Name Etymology

Thestor received his name from a minor deity from the Greek mythology.

Related Missions

Controllable during

Encountered as Foe during
