Sacrifice Wiki
Sac Doctor CR-icon-Sac Doctor
Associated Gods All
Level 1
Type of Creature Other
Creature Classes Ground, Pacifist
Number of Souls 0 BlueSoul
Creature Statistics
Health 400
Mana 0
Damage None
Movement Speed 10 m/s
Resistances and Weaknesses
Melee 0%
Direct Ranged 0%
Splash Ranged 0%
Direct Spell 0%
Splash Spell 0%
Creature Abilities
"In order to harvest these red souls, you must first cast "Conversion." By casting this spell, you are summoning forth a Sacrifice-Doctor (or Sac-Doctor for short) to come claim it. After sucking up the soul into a giant hypodermic, the Sac-Doctor resurrects the slain creature and runs it all the way back to your altar for purification." – The Manual

Sac Doctor is every god's level 1 creature.

Creatures in Sacrifice
Creatures CC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
Faithful PE-c PE-1m PE-1r PE-1f PE-2 PE-3 PE-4 PE-5 PE-6 PE-7 PE-9
Yeomen JA-c JA-1m JA-1r JA-1f JA-2 JA-3 JA-4 JA-5 JA-6 JA-7 JA-9
Servants ST-c ST-1m ST-1r ST-1f ST-2 ST-3 ST-4 ST-5 ST-6 ST-7 ST-9
Proles PY-c PY-1m PY-1r PY-1f PY-2 PY-3 PY-4 PY-5 PY-6 PY-7 PY-9
Minions CH-c CH-1m CH-1r CH-1f CH-2 CH-3 CH-4 CH-5 CH-6 CH-7 CH-9